”Electric Echoes” Album Release On OCTAVES Music

This 6 movement concert work on OCTAVES Music has been released as a 45 minute album — please see the links below — and is up for nomination for an award. The published score, and libretto, is forthcoming. The impetus to complete the full concert work, and particularly an opera, was given steam by applyingContinue reading “”Electric Echoes” Album Release On OCTAVES Music”

Stellar Nucleosynthesis, Auroras & The Creation Of Elements

Stellar Nucleosynthesis, Auroras & The Creation Of Elements Sarah ikerd1 *1 Studio Shangri-La, Somerville, Massachusetts 02145 *sarah.ikerd@studio-shangri-la.composted 18 May 2024 ABSTRACT: This article proposes to bridge or connect the ongoing cosmic processes of stellar nucleosynthesis with the activities of our Sun, as well as the occurrence of in Earth’s magnetosphere, as well as other planets,Continue reading “Stellar Nucleosynthesis, Auroras & The Creation Of Elements”

Upcoming On OCTAVES Music: Release of “Electric Echoes” Tech Opera Album

Out Friday May 17th is the finale movement of the Electric Echoes cosmic tech opera, and then May 24th, the full remastered album, a six movement piece for orchestral ensemble and a chorus of character singers: Mvt. 1: The Digital Overture 2: Aria Of The Cosmos 3: Dialogue Of The Stars 4: We Are TheContinue reading “Upcoming On OCTAVES Music: Release of “Electric Echoes” Tech Opera Album”

Colorfield Light Photography

Accompanying recent research and experimentation with light, this is a new series of photographs that look like abstract colorfield paintings, yet they are realistically the behaviors of light, or sunlight shining on reflective or diffractive surfaces. They can be produced in a few different formats, including digital. Here’s the shop link: https://studioshangrila.myshopify.com/collections/colorfield. These are alsoContinue reading “Colorfield Light Photography”

Design of Experiment (DoE): Light Energy + Molecular Dynamics For Transformation Of Plastic Into Water

Author: Sarah Ikerd, Studio Shangri-La, sarah.ikerd@studio-shangri-la.com Visualizations by Meta AI Llama 3 On ResearchGate The next step in creating photocatalytic circular waste receptacles that can transform plastic into water, as in the beautifully illustrated accompanying visualizations by Meta AI, is to specifically hone that process. The first focus will be on the common PET, althoughContinue reading “Design of Experiment (DoE): Light Energy + Molecular Dynamics For Transformation Of Plastic Into Water”

The Abstract Realism Of Nature

The colorful photography seen here looks abstract, yet it’s also realistic. “Light Angel” is sunlight shining on diffraction grating paper to produce beautiful spectral line patterns and accompanies current research; “Magentropy” is an edited close-up of cracking paint. While for many paintings the cracking effect would be considered degradation or breakdown that art restoration attemptsContinue reading “The Abstract Realism Of Nature”

Microscopy, Materials Science & Functional Design For A Circular Photocatalytic Waste Receptacle

The next projected steps in the photocatalysis project for a circular ‘trashcan of the future’ are to get a more specific and efficient by understanding from the macro to the nano levels what is occurring and optimizing for the desired results of producing useful byproducts, most importantly water. That means developing a consist formula orContinue reading “Microscopy, Materials Science & Functional Design For A Circular Photocatalytic Waste Receptacle”

Philosophy + Evolutionary Biology: A New View Of Cancer & Making Peace With Microworld

With the entrance (and re-entry) of non-invasive medicine and new techniques for their implementation, modern health is turning towards making peace with nature, once again. Noninvasive medicine works synergistically with human biology, without invading or attacking. It’s important to remember that there are different realms of life on this planet, and they are designed toContinue reading “Philosophy + Evolutionary Biology: A New View Of Cancer & Making Peace With Microworld”

Studio Shangri-La Lab: Designing A Light Array For The Non-Toxic Photocatalysis Of Plastics

Author: Sarah K. Ikerd, Studio Shangri-La, sarah.ikerd@studio-shangri-la.com https://www.researchgate.net/publication/379960840_Designing_A_Light_Array_For_The_Non-Toxic_Photocatalysis_Of_Plastics Abstract: In response to the urgent need for sustainable solutions to plastic waste, this study explores a novel home-safe photocatalysis process aimed at converting plastic waste into primarily water and hydrogen gas. Leveraging principles of redox chemistry and UV light irradiation, the process demonstrates promising results inContinue reading “Studio Shangri-La Lab: Designing A Light Array For The Non-Toxic Photocatalysis Of Plastics”

Studio Shangri-La Design + Lab: Bold Projects, Cures & Legacy Value

It comes to this — who will bravely build the cures for the greater value of benefit to society and legacy. On more than one occasion I’ve heard representatives from large institutions say they’re afraid of cures or solutions. From a business or competitive standpoint then, losing profit, running out of challenges or ideas toContinue reading “Studio Shangri-La Design + Lab: Bold Projects, Cures & Legacy Value”

Health + Innovation: Non-Invasive Medicines Of The Future Now

Dr. McCoy: My god, what is this, the Dark Ages? Here, you swallow that. If you have a problem, just call me… Intern #1: Weintrub said radical chemotherapy or she’s gonna croak… Dr. McCoy: Unbelievable. Intern #1: You have a different view, Doctor? McCoy: It sounds like the goddam Spanish Inquisition! McCoy: My God, man, drilling holes in his headContinue reading “Health + Innovation: Non-Invasive Medicines Of The Future Now”

Studio Shangri-La Research Notes: Pathways From Plastic To Water

In constructing a process and device that uses a photochemistry to break down or rather transform plastics into useful byproducts such as water and hydrogen, it becomes necessary to delve into of course photonics, chemistry, physics, earth science and of course experimentation, application of the concepts in a learn-by-doing style. Climate action is of courseContinue reading “Studio Shangri-La Research Notes: Pathways From Plastic To Water”

Studio Shangri-La Lab Notes: From Plastic To Water By Photochemistry

To say that the successful and so far safe transformation, or alchemization, from plastic to water is a pleasant surprise is an understatement. I’m excited on different levels – pun intended – to discover that the ideal expected outcome is possible, of safely using UV lights to photocatalyze plastic into water is practical. There areContinue reading “Studio Shangri-La Lab Notes: From Plastic To Water By Photochemistry”

Studio Shangri-La Lab Notes: Improved Air Quality & Flashing Lights

Here comes Earth Month and onwards with the journey of the ‘Black Pearl’ — testing title only. It will definitely receive an uncontested name later on. Interestingly, the next emissions and variation test yielded even more improved air quality. The difference here was improving the components to be more streamlined, and the lights were flashingContinue reading “Studio Shangri-La Lab Notes: Improved Air Quality & Flashing Lights”

OCTAVES Music Update: Tech Opera, Deep Techno & Alt Pop

Out just yesterday is the 4th movement of the Electric Echoes cosmic tech opera, “We Are The Tech Of The Tech Of The Tech.” The complete opera will be 9 movements. This movement is about one form of life stemming from the next and being interconnected. Each mythological character in this movement embodies a realm,Continue reading “OCTAVES Music Update: Tech Opera, Deep Techno & Alt Pop”

Studio Shangri-La Lab Notes: Monitoring Emissions Pt. 2 + Managing Prototype Design

Recently I completed a course on Agile Project Management, and that has been a great accompaniment to beginning the prototype build for a portable photocatalytic or photodegradation system. One important point before proceeding with the fun testing is that all the components truly fulfill the design and product requirements, and address any issues directly asContinue reading “Studio Shangri-La Lab Notes: Monitoring Emissions Pt. 2 + Managing Prototype Design”

Studio Shangri-La Lab Notes: Monitoring Emissions Part 1

The most recent testing of the trash can of the future’s photocatalytic process featured monitoring emissions, which is of course important for safety in the immediate environment, and in the bigger picture. Safety and ease of use at home are very important design constraints. The process in the container cannot be hazardous, or “off-gassing” noxiousContinue reading “Studio Shangri-La Lab Notes: Monitoring Emissions Part 1”

Studio Shangri-La Lab Notes: The Trash Can Of The Future / Photocatalysis Of Plastics

It is wonderful to get started on the prototype design for my photocatalysis / photodegradation process for using light to break down plastics, to incorporate into a “the trash can of the future,” a novel approach that removes and prevents trash from circulating in the environment. This idea I originally submitted to the MIT SolveContinue reading “Studio Shangri-La Lab Notes: The Trash Can Of The Future / Photocatalysis Of Plastics”

Materials Composition: The Hidden Dimension Of Aerospace

Up until now, the most common materials, both lightweight and strong, for spaceships and satellites have included aluminum alloys, titanium, carbon composites, and steel. More generally speaking, alloys and composites. Alloys are a mixture of metals and metal with non-metal; composites are a combination of materials with very different compositions. And for aerospace, they haveContinue reading “Materials Composition: The Hidden Dimension Of Aerospace”

Measures Of Intelligence: Efficiency, Density & Magnitude

Logarithmic mathematical scales represent orders of Magnitude or proportional relationships. A measure like IQ however is linear and only applies to humans, though. And while some of life is linear— Intelligence is a complex and multifaceted emergence, and not unique to humans. IQ has been more of a shorthand for convenience anyway, not capturing theContinue reading “Measures Of Intelligence: Efficiency, Density & Magnitude”

OCTAVES Music Update: Electric Echoes Movement 3 — Dialogue Of The Stars

This next upcoming movement in the serial cosmic tech opera is “Dialogue Of The Stars” featuring a 6 vocal parts or characters and string quintet that includes double bass. In preparing the score for release with the final album, the electronic percussion could substituted with more traditional orchestral instruments. And I enjoy releasing it thisContinue reading “OCTAVES Music Update: Electric Echoes Movement 3 — Dialogue Of The Stars”